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Work with high-level enterprises to promote the development of Zhaoqing science and technology
Publication time:2019.07.22 15:52:08

On the evening of January 4, 2019, theZhaoqing High-tech Enterprise Association (hereinafter referred to as the"Association") held a ceremony. Zhao Hanhua, Director of ZhaoqingScience and Technology Bureau, Xie Bingquan, Deputy Director, Lin Xiong, ViceChairman of Guangdong High-tech Enterprise Association, Jiang Hui, ViceChairman of Guangdong Industrial Design Innovation Service Alliance, and alldirectors, supervisors and member units of Zhaoqing High-tech EnterpriseAssociation Representatives attended the event.

(Group photo of members of the High-tech Enterprise AssociationSecretariat)


Zhaoqing High-tech EnterpriseAssociation is under the guidance of Zhaoqing Science and Technology Bureau,Guangdong Hongtu Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “GuangdongHongtu”), Guangdong Fenghua High-tech Co., Ltd., Guangdong Zhaoqing XinghuBiotechnology Co., Ltd. 13 companies have jointly initiated the establishmentof a platform to provide comprehensive services for high-tech (includingcultivation) enterprises in Zhaoqing City.

As the leading enterprise in Zhaoqing'sdie-casting industry and auto parts industry, Guangdong Hongtu was elected asthe first president of the association. Liao Jian, the vice chairman of thecompany, was elected as the first president of the association. Chen Hanhua,director of the Zhaoqing Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, issued aplaque for the members of the board of directors and the board of supervisors.

(Chen Hanhua,director of the Zhaoqing Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, awarded thefirst president of the association)

(Group photo of the first council andsupervisory board of the association)


At the conference, Xie Bingquan, deputydirector of the Science and Technology Bureau of Zhaoqing City, said that theestablishment of the High-tech Enterprise Association of Zhaoqing City aims topromote the development of high-tech industries in Zhaoqing, promote exchangesand cooperation between high-tech enterprises, and promote the transformationand upgrading of industries and enterprises. The Association is committed toproviding a service platform for cooperation between high-level enterprises. Atthe same time, it will also undertake functions such as policy presentation,personnel training, and statistics, and strive to promote better and fasterdevelopment of high-tech industries in the city.

(Xie Bingquan, deputy director ofZhaoqing Science and Technology Bureau)


Liao Jian, presidentof the association, also introduced the next development ideas of theassociation. He pointed out that with the development of the market economy,industry associations and chambers of commerce are increasingly becomingindispensable social organizations and become an important part of the marketeconomy. The timely development of Zhaoqing High-tech Enterprise Association isan inevitable trend in the development of high-tech industries in our city. Inthe next step, the association should find the development direction of theassociation and accurately locate it. Second, it must be good at learning andlearning, and be brave in pioneering and innovation. Third, we must improve theinternal functional system and innovate the service model; always focus on thedevelopment center of high-tech industry in our city. Adhere to the purpose ofserving the government, serving members, and serving the society. Through theestablishment of an integrated service platform for enterprises, we will fullypromote the implementation of various high-tech industry developments in thecity.

(Liao Jian, President of ZhaoqingHigh-tech Enterprise Association)

Since its inception, Guangdong Hongtu has been promoting the developmentof the die-casting industry and local industries. It has served as a directorof the China Foundry Association, a chairman of the China Foundry AssociationDie Casting Branch, a vice president of the Guangdong Foundry IndustryAssociation, and a vice president of the Guangdong Automobile IndustryAssociation. The president, the president of the high-demand die-castingindustry association, the president of the Zhaoqing Auto Parts Industry Associationand other social groups, and initiated the establishment of the Gaoyao DieCasting Association and the Zhaoqing Auto Parts Industry Association, whichdrove the local die-casting industry and the auto parts industry to flourish.The company will take the opportunity to serve as the president of ZhaoqingHigh-tech Enterprise Association, further expand the scope of serving thesociety, and use its own advantages and influence of the industry to continueto play the leading role of leading enterprises, through the Zhaoqing High-techEnterprise Association. The platform is committed to promoting the developmentof high-tech industries in our city to achieve better and faster development,so as to promote the smooth development of the “1133” project of ZhaoqingScience and Technology Innovation Strategy.

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